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Heap Leach Pond Liners/Tailing Waste Dam Liners
The heap leaching pads, solution ponds and tailing dams are all needed to be lined to minimize the potential for toxic lixiviant release into the environment. YINGFAN products with excellent puncture and chemical resistance is the best select for the containment lining systems to meet the severe requirement of the mining industry.

Oil & Gas
Oil and natural gas production is one of the most important and challenging industries in the world, and these companies face growing and frequently changing pressures from the outside world. Geosynthetics play an important role in protecting our earth and helping to provide a safe working area during shale oil and gas recovery.

Coal Ash
Right now, more and more concerns are raised toward the reasonable treatment to coal ash in these coal thermal power stations. Geosynthetic is a very cost-effective and environmental-friendly Material solution for the lined pond/dam for coal ash. Our YINGFAN geomembrane, geotextile, GCL, composite drainage network, geogrid can all be used in this application.

Cooling Ponds
Power plants often use cooling ponds to remove heat from the water used in the generation of electricity. Because this water contains some heavy chemicals and unhealthy substances, so it is necessary to be lined in the bottom of those cooling ponds. Our YINGFAN HDPE Geomembrane /bentonite GCL/Drainage geocomposite are widely used for the ponds.

Evaporation ponds
Evaporation ponds are artificial ponds with very large surface areas that are designed to efficiently evaporate water by sunlight and exposure to the ambient temperatures. YINGFAN HDPE geomembrane/Geotextile products can be widely used In these evaporation ponds to contain the liquid and get the environmental and engineered functions.

In civil engineering, stabilization is mainly related with constructed soil with artificial reinforcing. It can be used for retaining walls, bridge abutments, seawalls, embankments, dikes, roads, railroads, landfill, tunnels, airfields and any other application with need to reinforce the soft soil or soft foundation structures.